

Gentle bodywork; a hands-on somatic approach to regulating the nervous system. This powerful modality addresses physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dysfunction.

*click here or on the photo for more information


Using Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, acupuncture can be used to treat almost any condition. It acts on a physical and energetic level to re-establish the flow of qi, our life-force energy.

Botanical Medicine

Plants carry innate wisdom that works synergistically with the human body to bring it back into alignment. I prescribe herbal tinctures, teas, and more.

lifestyle medicine

Humans are creatures of habit. We do well with routines and goals. I help you create the lifestyle that will bring you the health and wellness you desire.

Gua Sha Facial Massage

Feel refreshed and relaxed after a luxurious gua sha facial massage, used to increase circulation and lymph flow to the facial muscles, reducing fine lines and wrinkles with consistent use.

(only available at my Port Moody location)

Conscious Connected Breathwork

I offer one-on-one breathwork sessions in both clinic locations. I also run monthly Women’s Breathwork Circles at Qi Integrated Health.

I am the cofounder of the Somatic Embodiment Training, a retreat-style breathwork and somatic coaching training program. We run trainings on beautiful Bowen island BC. Click HERE to learn more.

clinical Nutrition

There is no one right way to eat. But if you’re looking for guidance in ensuring your optimal nutritional needs are being met, I can help.

physical examinations

Pertinent physical examinations will be performed during your health assessment.

laboratory & diagnostic testing

Relevant blood work can be ordered through LifeLabs. Additional testing through independent labs offers comprehensive tests for gut health, food sensitivities, hormone health, and more.